Allies in Power Rangers: Mystic Force

In the fictional world of Power Rangers: Mystic Force, the Mystic Force Power Rangers fight the Underworld evil, often assisted by these allies who give them good advice, and sometimes even help them in battle.


The Ancient Titans

Little is known about the supernatural beings known as the Ancient Titans, but they seem to be the source of the Mystic Rangers' powers. They appear during the Rangers' morphing sequence and when the Titan Megazord uses the "Titans Attack" finisher.

The Ancient Mystic Titans are symbolized by mythological creatures from various Earth mythologies:

Ancient Mystic Mode

The Snow Prince and the Mystic Mother also appear to be Ancient Mystic Titans and there have been four other characters that also have forms that appear to be Ancient Titans, but are called "Ancient Mystic Modes".


Niella was the Gatekeeper of the Underworld and Udonna's sister, Nick Russell's aunt, and Leanbow's sister-in-law. When Leanbow went into the Gates, he told her to seal the Gate with a spell, in which she sacrificed herself to make the spell work. Only her daughter Clare remains. Like Clare, Niella had an Ancient Mystic Mode dubbed the "Shining Moon Warrior". Niella (like Clare) was portrayed by Antonia Prebble.

The Snow Prince

The Snow Prince is an Ancient Mystic Titan and possibly the source of Udonna's powers. Long ago, he was mentor to all the Mystics, including Leanbow. Currently, he resides in a parallel dimension he calls "The North". For one day, he allowed Nick to teach Daggeron rather than vice-versa. This was actually to teach Daggeron how to follow his instincts, as Nick does. The Snow Prince also helped aid the rangers in fighting Megahorn and seemed to be a capable combatant in his own right. However, he noted that his powers were far weaker in our dimension than they were in his own. Thus, he used a spell attack called the Ancient Spell Seal—similar to the Titan Megazord's Mystic Spell Seal attack—to suck Megahorn into the North, however temporarily. After Daggeron finally learned his lesson, Snow Prince graciously allowed him to join the fight against Megahorn and then returned to his own dimension. In the finale, Mystic Fate, he was sent back to the human realm by the "Mystic Mother", severely hurt, to forewarn them of the impending disaster.

The Snow Prince is voiced by Paolo Rotondo.

The Mystic Mother

The Mystic Mother, the "Empress of All Good Magic", is a colossal, Ancient Titan-like being who rules over the Magic World and who first appears in the finale, "Mystic Fate". Udonna has stated that in the "dark days", the Mystic Mother was known as Rita and that she had turned to Good Magic; the Mother herself remarked that she knew "firsthand the weakness of Evil", and told the Master that he was giving her a headache. She was overwhelmed by the Master and seemingly killed, but was later revealed to have secretly escaped to regroup, making Clare a "full" sorceress as she did. Her demeanor is that of a somewhat complacent, smug, but powerful enchantress. She is shown dressed in white, much like other fictional heads of wizardly societies.

She was portrayed by the late Machiko Soga, the same actress who played Rita Repulsa in the first season of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Mystic Mother was voiced by Susan Brady. Her headache and the other details mentioned above imply that she and Rita Repulsa are one and the same.

The Mystics

The Mystics were five warriors that fought in the Great Battle against the forces of darkness, each symbolized by their own color and elemental affinity. They were led by Leanbow, the Red Mystic. The names of the Yellow, Blue, Pink, and Green Mystics' identities are unknown, and it appears that all but Leanbow perished during the Great Battle. The Power Rangers presumably replace them to complete the second Great Battle

In Heir Apparent, Part I, viewers were able to get a clear view of the Mystics. Leanbow was the Red Mystic; the Yellow, and Green Mystics were also men;the Blue and the Pink Mystics were women.

Toby Slambrook

Toby Slambrook is a human in Briarwood that owns the "Rock Porium" music store where he employs the five core Rangers, unaware of the team's secret Ranger identities. He sometimes helps the Rangers in their battle against the undead without realizing that he has done so. He usually provides the Rangers with his own brand of humorous advice, and defended Nick when the others believed he stole money from the store. He is known for his musical knowledge and references, as well as for being a major fan of fictional rock-n-roller "Jake Bonebreaker". Although Toby may seem slow-witted, he is actually a good puzzle solver, though he sometimes seems slightly obsessive and can easily be distracted by the mention of a riddle he has yet to solve. Despite not being a wizard, he unwittingly seems to have a lot of contact with the magical world outside of Briarwood. He was seemingly the only one who heard the Solar Streak's engine when Daggeron transported the other Rangers. He is also notable for being the one who solved the puzzle leading to the Fire Heart. Toby was once mistaken for being the Gatekeeper, and once met and escorted Phineas to the dentist.

When Imperious used Jenji to create a world where the Power Rangers did not exist, it allowed the forces of darkness to conquer the world. In Briarwood, music was outlawed, but Toby secretly kept a small music box for his own amusement. Upon being caught by Necrolai, he was to be taken to the mines. Hearing him plead for help, Nick led the other Rangers to fight back. This convinced the Tribunal of Magic to reverse Imperious' wish, thus restoring the Rangers' powers.

In The Light, Toby seemed suspicious of his employees' disappearance; therefore he hired Leelee to fill in their place. In Light Source II, the Rangers were finally ready to tell him their secret. However, he when asked them to morph as proof, they explained that a powerful villain called Hekatoid had stolen their powers, which he disbelieved. According to him, the 'real' Power Rangers would handle the situation, thus once again helping the Rangers without realizing it. Ultimately, he did happen to see them morph after they regained their powers. By The Return he had complete knowledge of the Rangers' task.

Later, Toby hired Phineas to work in his shop, which proved disastrous when customers were frightened by Phineas' appearance. Toby reluctantly fired Phineas to keep his business intact. During the final battle, Toby had convinced the humans of Briarwood that the spirits of the nearby forest were not their enemy, and that the two populations shared a common foe; this being the Master of the Underworld. The faith of the two populations in the Power Rangers re-created the Rangers' magic, which had been nearly destroyed, enabling them to overwhelm and annihilate the Master. After the battle, Toby rehired Phineas and hired several other spirits to work in his shop. He also began dating the reformed (and now human-looking) Necrolai.

In the Power Rangers: Operation Overdrive episode At All Cost, Toby was referenced as the record-store owner who sold the dragon scale from Fire Heart to Andrew Hartford for use with the Defender Vest.

Toby is portrayed by Barnie Duncan.


Phineas is a 'troblin' (half-troll, half-goblin) who roams the woods outside of Briarwood in the magical realm, rejected by humans and spirits. He first appeared saving Clare from the Hydra Worm and later met Nick, whose friend he became. It was Phineas who told Nick that Necrolai and Koragg serve an even greater evil, Octomus, the Supreme Master of the Underworld. Phineas befriended the other Rangers when Nick and Catastros were trapped in another dimension and later helped all the Rangers on their quest for the Fire Heart, during which he displayed impressive acrobatic skills. In the episode Scaredy Cat, Phineas is taken to a human dentist so as to have his teeth attended. He was escorted by Toby, who believed that Phineas was "Xander's uncle from the Old Country". At the dentist's office, Phineas is revealed to have eighty-three teeth, of which not all are his. Phineas was later escorted to the Rock Porium by Toby, where became a fan of rock music after hearing it for the first time. Phineas is a little clumsy and has a dry sense of humor, but is quite cunning.

Whereas Phineas' origins and early history are not entirely known, he seems to have a strong connection with the Mystics and the Great Battle. He has told Clare that he was present during the war between the Mystics and the forces of the Underworld and personally witnessed Calindor's betrayal of Daggeron; later, in Ranger Down, Phineas admitted to Daggeron and Udonna that, during Daggeron and Calindor's battle, he took Udonna's baby Bowen to the human realm for safety.

In Dark Wish, Phineas found Koragg insensate after the latter was defeated by Fightoe and 50-Below. Phineas seemed to have a little respect for the dark knight, which he showed by attempting to give him a eulogy. He was about to take Koragg's Wolf Saber when the knight, revealed to be alive, woke and frightened him. Koragg, too injured to save himself, asked Phineas for help, to which the half-breed reluctantly agreed. When Imperious used Jenji to create a world wherein the Power Rangers did not exist, it created a new timeline wherein Koragg and Phineas were allies. Koragg was aware of the legend of the five Mystic Warriors, of which he told Phineas. When Koragg sent the Rangers to the dimension where the Tribunal of Magic could be found, he broke his alliance with Phineas, who seemed saddened to say goodbye to his "friend".

Later, after the Ten Terrors had revealed themselves to the surface world, it was Phineas who revealed to Nick that he was the being known as "The Light", the son of the mightiest Mystics, who had the potential to single-handedly vanquish evil. In The Hunter, just as Oculous was about to open fire on Nick, Phineas saved the Ranger from an oncoming bullet and convinced him to not give himself up, based on the premise that all life would be lost if the Light should fall.

In the episode "Light Source", Phineas met Leelee, with whose outcast status he sympathized. During their conversation, Leelee decided that she would rescue Udonna, who had been captured by Hekatoid; Phineas decided that he would tag along. On their way, they encountered Clare, who achieved common ground with Leelee and joined the rescue effort. The three of them infiltrated the cave where Udonna was held and freed her from Hekatoid's entrapments. Before they could free her, they were surrounded by foot soldiers; Phineas singlehandedly defeated these, revealing in its use his prodigious strength, which is implied to have been the cause of Leelee's infatuation with him. Because Udonna was in a catatonic state, the trio used the Snow Staff— stolen from the villains by Leelee— and a spell to reawaken her. At a gathering held after Hekatoid had been defeated, the three had become fast friends and rejoiced over the days' successes.

In The Return, he came to the Rock Porium with flowers for Leelee, whose sweetheart (according to her) he had become. The Rangers then gave Phineas a (possibly temporary) job at the store, which he lost when his strange appearance frightened customers. In the final battle, Phineas gathered together the denizens of Briarwood's neighboring forest, convincing them that humans were not their enemy and that the true threat, to humans and spirits alike, originated from the Master of the Underworld. The combined faith of the two populations re-created the Rangers' magic, which had been depleted, allowing the Rangers to overwhelm the Master. Phineas, among others, was later hired by the Rock Porium.

Phineas is portrayed by Kelson Henderson.

Fire Heart

The Fire Heart was an item sought by both the Rangers and the villains, which the Rangers eventually found and took back to Rootcore, where Udonna revealed that it was the last Dragon egg. According to a book in Rootcore that told about dragons, it said that the baby dragon could only be hatched by forcing the egg open with a hammer; a tactic of which Clare did not approve. When Jenji was released in Scaredy Cat, he told the Rangers that it must be sat on to hatch. Clare did so; therefore when the dragon was released, it came to call her "Mama". She is later shown nursing him.

In Ranger Down, Jenji took Fire Heart into the forest and abandoned him out of jealousy. Phineas eventually found him, and took care of him for a brief amount of time, even going so far as to sentimentally name him "Phineas Jr." or "P.J." for short. Because of Phineas' care, Fire Heart called Phineas "Daddy". When Phineas lost the dragon, he wandered the forest, looking for 'Phineas Jr.'. He ran into Clare in the process; when the two realized that they were searching for the same dragon, they looked up to see him, now grown to a massive adult size. Due to the fact the he has taken a liking to both Clare and Phineas, Fire Heart more than likely considers the two to be his parents.

When Imperious used Jenji to create a world wherein the Power Rangers never came into their power, it created a new timeline wherein Koragg was the egg's discoverer and dragon's keeper. Because of the new timeline, the dragon did not recognise the Rangers and breathed fire at them when they came too close. Koragg then used a spell to calm or tame the dragon and convince him to work with the Rangers. Fire Heart was revealed to have the power to enter the Tribunal of Magic's dimension, whereupon he did so. On the way there they were attacked by Necrolai, whom Fire Heart vanquished after a fierce aerial battle. After landing the Rangers in the Tribunal's dimension, Fire Heart quickly abandoned them. When the timeline had been restored to its original continuity, Fire Heart worked with the Rangers as if nothing had been otherwise.

In The Hunter, Fire Heart showed the power to combine with Nick's Legend Warrior Mode to form the Red Dragon Fire Ranger. Toward the end of the series, Fire Heart is shown flaming out of a cave under Rootcore to dry out a cloth at Jenji's request. At the very end, he is shown overhead when Nick, Undonna, and Leanbow are en route to visit Nick's foster parents.

In the Power Rangers: Operation Overdrive episode At All Cost, Fire Heart is referenced by Andrew Hartford as the source of the dragon scale needed for the Defender Vest. The scale was sold to him by Toby Slambrook. Before it was augmented to the Defender Vest, Fire Heart's scale was stolen by Moltor and Volcon to make Volcon even stronger, but was reclaimed by the Rangers.

Note: Notably, sometimes the fire Fire Heart breaths is colored blue, similar to Godzilla's Atomic Breath. His roar is also identical to that of the Mystic Dragon, which is also identical to the well-known Yu-Gi-Oh monster, Blue Eyes White Dragon


A powerful, quick-talking, cat-like genie, Jenji is an old friend of Udonna's and of the other Mystics. Long ago, Jenji was the most powerful and popular cat in his homeland. Everyone liked him except the cat king of the land, Rexigan. The jealous King Rexigan had a witch cast a spell over everyone, making them believe Jenji had become evil; as a result, Jenji was banished. Later, Daggeron found the nomad Jenji among many riches he had found. Though Daggeron advised him against it, Jenji opened a mystical box that was actually an evil trap, almost destroying himself in the process. Daggeron saved his life by putting him inside a lamp, which changed Jenji into a wish-granting genie. A side-effect of these abilities is that Jenji is bound to the lamp, only able to roam free for two hours at a time, after which he begins to disintegrate into dust. However, it seems that Jenji can be reconstituted if returned to his lamp before disappearing completely.

Daggeron used Jenji's lamp as the key element in sealing himself and Calindor within a sea cave; once the Rangers found the lamp, they broke the seal. Jenji is somewhat cowardly despite his powers and retreated from Imperious in his first appearance, though he eventually managed to overcome his fear. He has the power to grow to the same colossal size as Imperious, as well as turn into an energetic form to be used as Daggeron's finishing move, the "Jenji Shining Attack". Despite his goofy personality, Jenji is a capable fighter. He uses his claws in battle and has a technique he dubbed the "Super Cat Attack" wherein he relentlessly assaults his opponents with claws and kicks. When Calindor reappeared, Jenji tried to warn the Rangers and Udonna of Calindor's betrayal, but was unable to complete the warning when Calindor dropped a pile of books on top of his lamp. Because of his past banishment, Jenji is extremely needy of affection and therefore has been jealous of Fire Heart. In Ranger Down, in a comic scene, Jenji meets Piggy in a dumpster in a Briarwood ally, whereupon Piggy states that "In twenty years, this place will be crawling with aliens!".

In Dark Wish, the Rangers wanted to use Jenji against the Four Barbarian Beasts although Daggeron insisted that this was not to be done. When the Rangers fought Fightoe and 50-Below, Daggeron gave in and used Jenji's Shining Attack against the two monsters. However, Fightoe captured Jenji using his magic staff and brought him to the Underworld, where Imperious released him. Being a genie, Jenji was forced to grant his wish: that the Mystic Force Power Rangers never existed. This allowed the forces of darkness to conquer the world. Although Jenji's magic was powerful, it proved reversible by the Tribunal of Magic. When the world was restored, Leelee found Jenji's lamp and released him when he told her that she would receive one wish. As she contemplatively bit her nails, he warned her that she "shouldn't do that". Leelee moaned and told him that it was a "nervous habit", saying that she wished she had never started biting them. Jenji granted this at once; while Leelee's nails grew almost 6 inches long, Jenji fled to the safety of Rootcore.

In Hard Heads, he was temporarily turned to stone when Serpentina's snakes bit him, whereupon she activated her shield. Upon Serpentina's destruction, he was returned to normal. Jenji later served as supervisor in the "Bound Battle", a duel wherein Imperious and Daggeron fought to the death. He was briefly killed by Sculpin in Mystic Fate, but returned to life along with Daggeron.

His middle name is Loch Ness; his last name is unknown.

Jenji is voiced by Oliver Driver.

The Tribunal of Magic

The Tribunal of Magic was a group of three powerful, cloaked beings visited by the Rangers in the Dark Wish trilogy, who ensure the existence of magic and reside in a separate dimension. The red-cloaked member of the Tribunal, a male, was the most calm and comprehensive of the three. The black-cloaked member of the Tribunal, also male, was the most hotheaded. The white-cloaked member of the Tribunal, the only female of the three, was the most compassionate, but was also inquisitive. The Rangers begged the Tribunal to reverse Imperious' wish and restore color and positive magic to the world; the Tribunal denied this request, and returned the Rangers to their altered dimension. When Toby was dragged away by a group of Hidiacs and Styxoids, the Rangers attempted to help their friend and fought hopelessly against the monsters. The Tribunal then decided that this courage deserved a reward, and restored the world to its former state. The Rangers, now morphed, continued to fight the Hidiacs, only to be defeated by 50-Below and Fightoe. When the Rangers realized that they had taken their magic for granted, the Tribunal decided to give the Rangers a reward, and bestowed upon them the spell code for Legend Mode, allowing the Mystic Rangers to become the Legend Warriors.

Necrolai/Nikki Pimvare

The Dark Mistress of the Underworld and Queen of the Vampires, this evil spy is frequently scorned by Koragg and Morticon, who constantly call her a "hag". Her last name 'Pimvare' is 'vampire' with mixed letters. She can fly and usually serves as a scout. Necrolai is usually the one who brings up monsters and imagines schemes. She is a formidable fighter in her own right and has battled the Rangers occasionally. Due to her status as Queen of the Vampires, she is not adversely effected by garlic or sunlight. She was once obliterated by the power of the Dawn Crystal, but managed to reassemble herself during a half moon later that night. Despite her early claims of immortality, she does seem to fear Morticon and, to a lesser extent, Koragg, which would explain why she tolerates their behavior and rarely talks back to them. She showed true fear when Morticon threatened her after her repeated failures against the Rangers. After Morticon was destroyed, she brought the mummy of Calindor to the Underworld, releasing Imperious.

Necrolai is ambitious, callous, and egocentric; what she does, she does for her own benefit, intending to rise to a position of power. Being afraid of Morticon, she will not seek to rise alone beyond a certain point, but attempts to raise her own status by backing the Master. She enjoys both chaos and mischief of every kind.

Necrolai is also Leelee's mother. The father is seldom mentioned; Necrolai has claimed that she changed him into a worm. (Note that this is one of the very few cases in Power Rangers of a villain being known to have both a father and a mother.) Necrolai seems to have little or no regard for her daughter, doing nothing to help Leelee after Imperious turned her into a bug. Necrolai herself transformed Leelee into a bug, testing out the purple Mystic Morpher's powers. After Morticon's death, Necrolai suffered a minor panic attack over the loss of her leader and expressed to the Master that she did not trust Koragg to lead; when Imperious arrived, she tried to flatter him into favoring her.

In Ranger Down, Necrolai received Koragg's magic in the form of a purple Mystic Morpher, but in Koragg's Trial, Koragg took his magic back to challenge the Rangers' new Legend powers. After he pled his case to the Master, his magic was officially returned to him, and Necrolai was once again without magic.

After Leanbow freed the Rangers from the Underworld, Imperious weakened him, allowing Necrolai to capture Leanbow and bring him back to the pit where he was once again turned into Koragg by the Master.

After the destruction of the Pit and Imperious, Necrolai was shown having doubts about her current role; but the discovery of the Book of Prophecy changed this. Ignoring her daughter entirely, she followed the Book's instructions and provoked the Ten Terrors into attacking the Surface. She now appeared with Gekkor on excursions to the surface world.

Recently, Necrolai placed a scale on Leanbow that was given to her by Sculpin, so that the Ten Terrors could track him down and extract the Master's essence from him. They were successful in doing this.

Necrolai seems to see herself as inferior to the Ten Terrors. She believes that by following their orders she will spare herself any wrath they may inflict on her, and therefore is thought to obey them more out of fear than out of respect for their rank to the Master.

While Necrolai normally appears indifferent to Leelee, it is revealed in Mystic Fate that she can be maternal; when Itassis was told to destroy all humans by the Master, Necrolai begged her to spare Leelee. While Itassis was willing to do so, Sculpin demanded Leelee to die with the humans as punishment for living with them. As a result, Necrolai betrayed the Master to revive Itassis, as well as the dead Leanbow, Daggeron, and Jenji. In the process, she was turned into a human.

Soon after the final battle, she started courting Toby (who called her "Nikki"), and both she and Leelee apparently moved into a condo.

Necrolai was voiced by Donogh Rees. Nikki was portrayed by Brigitte Berger, but voiced by Donogh Rees.

Leelee Pimvare

Leelee Pimvare is the teenage daughter of Necrolai. Previously a frequent shopper at Rock Porium, of which she later became an employee. While part of the Morlocks for most of the season, she has recently abandoned them for a normal life. Her father was turned into a worm by Necrolai.

It is unclear if she too is a vampire, as she looks human. She has also shown to be a fairly adept fighter, perhaps even on par with her mother, though Necrolai hinted that Leelee's time amongst humans— three months as of that meeting— had made her soft. Both the fact that she was able to fight hand-to-hand with Necrolai and the fact that she is implied to have lost strength lends credit to the theory that she is a vampire, however there is the possibility that she is a Dhampir (half-human, half-vampire), which can fully explain her abilities and human appearance. Aside from these facts, she seems like the average teenage girl. Leelee may have a crush on Nick, as she has flirted with him. She often seems to be vain or obnoxious toward the Rangers.

Leelee has been known to be extremely selfish and trouble-prone, as when she tried to frame Nick for theft so that he be fired from his job and would have time to spend with her. For a period, she took a more active role in the forces of darkness' plotting, such as luring Vida to Flytrap's club so that she would be turned into a vampire under Necrolai's control, aiding Morticon in his attempt to locate the Gatekeeper. Leelee seems to have an uneasy relationship with her mother, who forced her to try to enter a cave to find Imperious' mummy, although evil beings were unable to enter. In addition, when Leelee was turned into a bug by Imperious, Necrolai refused to do anything about it, and when Necrolai gained magic she also transfigured Leelee. Despite that, Leelee appears to have some degree of love for her mother and sounded upset at the thought of leaving her. She also tends to be somewhat incompetent, as in her release of Jenji and her myopic wish that she had never bitten her fingernails.

In Heir Apparent, the Rangers were captured and discovered she was one of the members of the Forces of Darkness. She showed a desire to keep the Rangers as "pets", but also showed concern as to their condition after their powers were drained. Thereafter her mother, Necrolai, took an extreme interest in the Book of Prophecy. Leelee decided that she could no longer continue her evil ways; angling to make friends, she left the Underworld to work alongside the Rangers at the Rock Porium. Nick initially intended to tell Toby Leelee's secret, but the other Rangers stopped him. Leelee promised that as long as they kept her secret, she would keep theirs. The Rangers are extremely distrustful of her until she proves herself to be a diligent worker.

In The Hunter, Leelee had been left to mind the store; when the Rangers returned after a battle, they found her exhausted and the Rock Porium clean. She was therefore named "[best] employee of the month".

In Hard Heads, Leelee felt miserable and lonely; between the Rangers' distrust of her and her mother doting on the Terrors, she seemed to have no one in whom to confide. At the end of the episode, she read the Book of Prophecy, hoping that her future might cheer her up; however, she was instead horrified to discover that she would apparently become "Queen of the Vampires".

In Light Source I & II, she went up against her mother, defying her destiny to be the Vampire Queen. Leelee helped Clare and Phineas enter the Underworld to find Udonna, who was imprisoned there. They used their combined magic to set her free and energized her using the Snow Staff. Leelee was therefore finally accepted as a friend by the Power Rangers and their allies. In the later episode "The Return", Leelee confirms a rumor planted in "Light Source" that she had made Phineas her paramour. In Mystic Fate, her mother defected to the side of good to protect her; afterwards, the two moved into a Briarwood condo. Phineas remained Leelee's sweetheart, though his open-hearted demeanor apparently prevents any of the then-conventional awkwardness from taking hold.

While Leelee first revealed her full name in Broken Spell, not until Light Source did she point out that her surname was an anagram of "Vampire", implying that it may be an assumed name.

Leelee is portrayed by Holly Shanahan.